媒体平台:China Daily



城市更新日益成为城市建设的重要议题之一。AECOM中国区经济策划副总裁马升华,在China Daily中国日报的采访中,以上海长宁区十四五规划重点美丽街区改造项目之一的“武夷路155微更新”项目为例,他表示,城市微更新项目的策划思路,既不是单纯考虑如何创造更多公共空间以增加街区社会性价值,也不是采用传统房地产思维逻辑,而是用“以退为进”的思维策略,让科学论证的产业功能体系及布局策划产生更大的社会及经济效益。未来我们仍将持续推动城市更新进程,为客户与当地居民打造“双赢”局面,创建城市宜居环境,为地方经济换挡加速创造新载体。

▲ 武夷路155微更新


Commercial interest

Commercial developers have also been jumping on the urban-regeneration bandwagon. Among them is AECOM China, an infrastructure consulting firm, which plans to transform an old electrical equipment factory on Wuyi Road into an office space. The company advised the property owner to hollow out the first floor stores on the street side for a pedestrian arcade, and open a small pocket square at the entrance of the old Shanghai alleys on the property for public use.

"It may seem like we are taking a step back in the commercial sense, but the people-centric design will increase the popularity of the building and boost both the economic and social value of the property and nearby area," says Michael Ma, vice-president of economics for AECOM China.

"Good renewal projects that bring benefits and raise the living quality will eventually create value for the property owner," he says, adding that as the development of downtown Shanghai becomes saturated, there will be more urban regeneration projects.

"When we make micro-renewal efforts to elevate the surrounding neighborhood environment, we will achieve a win-win for the public and business," says Ma.